Adding a User Account

How to add new user account to the site. Important. If this site requires users to answer a question to retrieve their password adding or edit users, so these features have been disabled for this website.

  1. Navigate to AdminRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. > User Accounts - OR - Go to a User Accounts module.
  2. Click the Add New User button. This opens the Add New User interface.
  3. In the User Name text box, enter a user name. Notes: Only letters and numbers can be entered. Usernames are unique and cannot be changed.
  4. In the First Name text box, enter the person's first name.
  5. In the Last Name text box, enter the person's last name.
  6. In the Display Name text box, enter the name to be displayed to other site members. Note: This field may not be displayed. See "Configuring User Account Settings"
  7. In the Email Address text box, enter a valid email address.
  8. At Authorize, select from the following options:
  9. At Notify, select from the following options:
  10. To create the user's password, select from these options:

  1. Click the Add New User button.